The Heritage News

Fall 2020 Edition

Tenth Year At Hopewell

Heritage Fall News

With sincere thankfulness and great expectations, the fourteenth year of classes have begun at Heritage Baptist College.

Many have wondered, how the college has fared during this pandemic. Let me honestly say that your prayers and caring have made all the difference.

Although a couple of teachers and students came down with the coronavirus this summer, they all contracted it outside of the college, and they have all recovered. Financially, we have lost several patrons and monthly supporting churches due to the pandemic. However, without publishing the need, a number of Heritage friends sent in special offerings. We have our bills paid.

Above that blessing, this summer about 35 friends and churches gave offerings so that the college could make a cash purchase to upgrade to a commercial lawn mower.

We are excited to see how the Lord will use the staff, faculty, and students this year. The goal of Heritage Baptist College continues to be: Training Young Men and Women to fulfill the Great Commission.

The President’s Perspective

Heritage News

In my father’s office, rested this picture of Dr. Bob Jones, Sr. standing down front with his 1200 preacher boys. My father was a freshman at the college when the picture was taken 70 years ago.

The first time my brother and I saw this photo, my dad challenged us to find him in the group. Later he pointed himself out, and we have always remembered - (10 men up on the right and 3 in).

This picture has always fascinated me by the amount of dedicated young men preparing to serve the Lord. That photo event was special, and many faithful preachers came out of this group. The old evangelist instilled in his preacher boys a love for the Bible.

Dr. John R. Rice in the Sword Scrapbook in 1969 printed a quote of this longtime friend, Dr. Bob Jones, Sr.: "The King James Version is, after all, the best translation we have ever had. The very words of the Bible in the original languages were inspired of the Holy Ghost. That is what the Bible claims for itself; and that is what the born-again, Bible-believing Christians believe about the Bible. We are to search the Scriptures as our Lord commanded us; but, remember, there is a curse to those that add to the Word or take away from the Word. The hottest place in Hell will be reserved for these modernistic conspirators who, in a subtle, pious way, are trying to steal the faith of humble Christians in the Word of God. Remember, you do not have to be a scholar. You do not have to be a great authority on languages. You do not have to be a great literary genius. Remember this: any man who wonders if the Bible is the Word of God has not been born again. All born again Christians believe the Word and love the Word."

Heritage News

Christ centered preachers must have a solid foundation on the Word of God. To preach the Book it is required that you believe the Book!

Keep Going for the Lord

Heritage News

Douglas Freeman wrote in his exhaustive Civil War history, Lee’s Lieutenants, a story that came at the last battle before the surrender at Appomattox. Major General John B. Gordon positioned his Confederate troops against the mounting attack. The Union infantry were advancing from the West, more Union infantry had deployed to the East, and the enemy cavalry stood to the Southeast. As General Gordon formed his last line of battle, one man took his place in the ranks with both of his arms so wounded that he could not carry a gun.

“What are you doing here?” an officer demanded. “You can’t fight.” The Confederate soldier answered: “I know I can’t, but I can still yell.” (Freeman, Douglas. Lee’s Lieutenants Vol III. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons. 1944 p. 767).

I have met some wonderful preachers over the years, that in a spiritual sense, have captured that story.

The most notable was a preacher that came out of Cane Valley, Kentucky. B.M Page was born in the fall of 1901, and he arrived in Indianapolis just in time to experience the Great Depression. Even though he was primarily known as an evangelist, during his lifetime, he established five churches. Starting in 1952, he also began a daily radio broadcast that blanketed central Indiana for 40 years.

When Brother Page was in his 70’s, he had hip replacement surgery. His body rejected the implants, and his doctor told him that he would never walk again. Instead, of quitting, Brother Page got two canes and taught himself to walk, while his body adjusted. The preacher with the colorful canes was the man that I knew for the last 25 years of his life. He would straddle down the halls at the college, and teach the young people Personal Evangelism. He continued his broadcasts and preaching, and when he no longer could drive, he sought out a college boy to be his chauffer. In the last year of his life, restricted often to home, he figured a new way to witness for the Lord. Brother Page secured ads on the wickedest television station in our city. Seated in a chair, with the station manager standing behind him, he concisely gave the plan of salvation during his commercial. On the bottom of the screen flashed Brother Page’s home phone number. He told us that with his phone beside the bed, people would call during all hours of the day and night. Brother Page said that he was leading more people to the Lord each day than he had ever in the past.

In his final year, Brother Page stood in the trenches and “yelled and yelled for Jesus.” B.M. Page’s worn out body was buried on October 15, 1998, on what would have been his 97th birthday.

Thank you for the Prayers

Last Fall, President Dennis used this back page to thank our Heritage family for all their prayers for Lilliana during her bout with liver cancer. This year, it is my turn to thank you for your prayers.

Never in my wildest imagination would I have dreamed of contracting Covid-19...but I did, catching it somewhere outside of the school. During the last week of June, I began to feel sick, and I was soon hospitalized. The first week, I knew nothing that was going on, and the doctors were very concerned. I received a spinal tap and other tests, and later I was sent to rehab. Every day in rehab, two young ladies came to my room. In the beginning they would ask me simple questions like: What day is it? or Who is the President?

As my memory was restored, we started to talk about the church, and about the Lord. I kept telling those girls that whatever they did, they should do it with all their heart.

When I was finally released from rehab, one of the young ladies came to me and said, “do it with your heart.”

It took six weeks, but by mid August, I made it back to my office.

Shirley and I are so grateful for your prayers, and your outpouring of love. I was especially moved by those who came and prayed outside of the rehab center. I am back doing what I love.

Heritage Fall Banquet

Banquet Archived

With sincere concern about the health of our Heritage friends, we have decided to change our format from the usual Fall indoor banquet. November is too late in the year to hold another outside picnic, so we are designing the Autumn Fundraiser with a twist from the past.

We plan to mail out a CD containing the most delightful banquet message we have ever heard. You will be blessed by the music and the message.

If have not received a CD by November 15, and you would like one, please call or e-mail the college.

Are You Ready to Take Your Next Step to Answer Your Calling?

Contact an Admissions Counselor TODAY and plan to visit Heritage. You can reach us at 317-738-3791