September 2017 Update

Opening Chapel

The opening chapel service for the Fall Semester at Heritage Baptist College was held on Wednesday, August 30, 2017.

Dr. Tommy Trammel brought a special message encouraging the young people on “The Oneness of God.” Dr. Trammel is the editor of the Alumni Herald, and the first moderator of the Heritage Baptist Bible Fellowship.

What a wonderful start to the new semester!

His Work Paid Off

With his move to Cleveland, Ohio, young John began attending the Erie Street Baptist Mission, a poor struggling church close to where he lived. His Bible teacher, Deacon Alexander Sked, was a florist by trade. At fifteen years old, John gave his life to Christ, and soon became a baptized member of that small congregation.

John was faithful to every church service. He began to tithe, and in time taught a Sunday School class of his own. John, with his baritone voice loved to sing in church. His favorite hymn was "I’ve found a Friend; oh, such a Friend!"

In the summer of 1855, John took a course on bookkeeping. At the completion of his studies, he set out into the job world. John targeted the larger Cleveland businesses where he would like to work, and he visited each seeking a position. During the first week, every business turned him down. No one wanted to hire a sixteen year old bookkeeper.

Despite steady disappointment, at eight o’clock each morning, young John would leave his home dressed in his suit to visit businesses. He would continue job hunting into the afternoon. For six weeks that summer, six days a week, John persisted, even returning to visit the businesses that had rejected him.

Then on September 26, 1855, he walked in the offices of Hewitt & Tuttle on Merton St. After two interviews, one by Mr. Tuttle and the next by Mr. Hewitt, he went to work that afternoon for the merchant shippers. That was the young Baptist boy’s first employment.

For the rest of his life, John would honor September 26 as “Job Day.” As he amassed fortunes, two days would always be major milestones in his life: The day he was "born again in salvation" and the day he was "born again into business."

Reflecting on his wealth in his late seventies, that young man, now known to the world as John D. Rockefeller said these words: “It has seemed as if I was favored and got increase because the Lord knew that I was going to turn around and give it back.” (Chernow, Ron. Titan. New York: Vintage Books. 2004. p. 55)

Charles Weigle and the Shark

Most Christians associate Dr. Charles Weigle with music. With the publication of his song, "No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus," Charles Weigle’s name spread across the land.

But many Christians do not know that Charles Weigle was an evangelist, mightily used by the Lord. During the 1920’s, Charles Weigle held some powerful meetings. Charles Mashburn’s book on Charles Weigle’s life, I Sing of Thee (1952), reveals some of God’s workings. While Evangelist Weigle was preaching in St. Petersburg, FL, he filled up the largest auditoriums, and eventually held an open air meeting in which 5,000 attended. In Lewistown, PA he preached to over 2,100, and in the course of the revival, about 500 were converted (Converted is an old term recognizing that folks turned from their sinful ways after salvation evidencing a changed life.)

One of Dr. Weigle’s unique evangelistic stories took place in California. Brother Weigle began a meeting in a church near the Pacific Ocean. The pastor did not have the money to advertise the revival, and the crowds had been slim. One day during that meeting, Evangelist Weigle was walking down by the beach when the cry of “Shark” arose from the water, and people swam for the shore. The preacher instead went into the water, and the shark started to swim between his legs. Brother Weigle grabbed the shark, and wrestled the fish to the beach, as a crowd gathered. A local newspaper photographer snapped a photo, and it was put in the afternoon edition of the paper with a catchy headline comparing Jonah and the Whale with the preacher and the shark.

As Evangelist Weigle stood in the pulpit that evening, the church was packed with people who had come to see the courageous minister. "God gave us the advertising," said the evangelist.

Charles Weigle would tell that story to remind preachers and students that God can take care of any situation, and He can use you to do it.

2017 Evangelism Conference

On September 28 & 29 Heritage Baptist College will host a Conference on Evangelism. Evangelist Phil Stringer and Evangelist Michael Thurmond will lead the meeting. Both of these preachers regularly travel the country and the world preaching revivals.

The first service will be on Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m. The Friday morning preaching will begin at 9:30 a.m. Included will be guest pastor, Dr. Randy Parker speaking on "How to Treat an Evangelist." Lunch will follow.

We encourage all, but especially preachers to attend this special meeting.

October Meeting of Heritage Baptist Bible Fellowship

You are invited to attend the fall meeting of the Heritage Baptist Bible Fellowship. Dr. Harry Strachan will host the meeting on October 2 & 3, 2017 at Calvary Baptist Church in Ashland, OH. Beginning on Monday evening, the preachers for this meeting are Evangelist Mark Rodgers (AK), Pastor Greg Davis (OH), Pastor Bill Blakely (IN), and Pastor Bryan Samms (FL). Please be in prayer and join us for some wonderful preaching and fellowship.

We would love for you to see you there!

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Contact an Admissions Counselor TODAY and plan to visit Heritage. You can reach us at 317-738-3791